Being a student has definitely been one of (if not the best) the best decisions and experiences i have had in the 20 years i have been alive so far. Not only have i made incredible friends and moved out of my family home, i have also been through some life lessons (although still being wrapped in bubble wrap slightly- thanks ma and pa!)
Despite the heavy and most obvious lessons, here are a few i have experienced so far that aren't so bad.
Daytime television is your best friend and worst enemy. I can remember countless amount of times where i have heard (and said) the term "I'll start work after this episode of Jeremy Kyle" (shoutout to my housemates for this one!) and still not being able to peel my eyes from the bad teeth and Jeremy's gaze at the camera.
This being said, in the same respect I will always be grateful that I have such a powerful distraction from reflective journals and infographics, even just for a few minutes (hours).
17 types of People you see on 'Jeremy Kyle'
No matter how hard I try, telling myself I'll do work at home never works. Before a lecture/seminar: "I'll stay at uni for hours & finish loads"
After a lecture/seminar: "Screw this. I'm at where the nachos are at. Home"
No one is actually in competition with you. Though some people still seem to think life is a game and everyone's success must be compared, this is actually not true. Real friends in real life would actually love for you to do well, in the same way you genuinely wish the same for them.
It's human not to get on with everyone.
Communally being hungover the next day is the best bit about going out. Either that or the reassuring fact you're all consuming copious amounts of junk food makes it all worthwhile.
Old school music will always be better than the new stuff. Knowing that miming into a bottle of wine to 'I like the way you move' is entirely normal to your housemates has to be encouraging, no?
What new lessons have you learnt?