Tuesday, 22 January 2019

New Year, New Reflections.

Firstly, I'd like to welcome you to a sparkly New Year, 2019.

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Last year was a real one, like a real shit one. But since we are all anew with resolutions and well-intentioned ideas, it is a good time to reflect in a positive light. So below are 9 things I learnt in 2018, some of which are only the beginning, and I am looking forward to learning further in 2019.

The saying "you can get more money but you cannot get more time" sadly doesn't bring the bacon home. This year was an eye-opener for my financial situation, in having to move out of a stable lifestyle, I was thrust into ensuring I only depended on myself and I am now learning the art of sacrificing things in order to keep the things I really like, in my life. (Like Nandos!)  

I can depend on myself. Although I have been self-sufficient (for the most part) for nearly 6 years, this year I gave myself the credit I am very overdue, in that I CAN do it, and it is my motivation to do better for myself going forward.

New hobbies will grow with you. I have always had ambitious bucket lists of things that are actually achievable, if I put my mind to it. During the last week of 2018, I begun a YouTube channel, documenting my journey with clear aligner braces with YourSmileDirect.

Challenging myself is liberating. Last summer, I attended a training course for GB Beginners Archery and completed it, along with coming first in the women's category of our mini-competition. This was also during some of the toughest weeks of last year, which only adds to why the challenge was so rewarding.

Good habits will stay with you. Whilst reading a book about anxiety last year, a particular section resonated with me about habits, about making them so, in order to then never overlook them. As a result of my new venture on YouTube, I am always looking for ideas to film, and this is something I am hoping to publish on there in the coming weeks.

Not being in a relationship, teaches me more about being in one than actually being in one. Before I made the choice to leave my relationship behind, my best friend said that she learnt more about what she wanted in a relationship, whilst she dated and had a drafted 'rejection' message she would send to those that didn't meet what she wanted. I plan to channel this attitude through this New Year.

Being on my own is pure. Never did I see the day that I would long to sit on the sofa by myself. I would always pine to be at home home with my family. I regularly visit and spent quality time with them, but on what would typically be my 'down-time' I am in a household with 4 other people, finding myself not chilling out.

Being on my own is alien. In contrast to the above, I have not ever spent long periods of time in my own company. So developing a new routine and actually listening to what I want, has been a very fruitful experience.

I do not need new clothes. Back at university, I would be buying clothes every week, from my part-time job at Primark or from online retailers. Now, I am lucky if I can be bothered to purchase new pants! My 'need' for new clothes has seriously diminished since my finances have been under the microscope. 

What things have you learnt over 2018? :-)

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Maira Gall